Product List

    White Chalk

    Standard chalk, similar to teacher’s chalk.
    One package comes with 6 boxes of 12 pieces, for a total of 72 sticks of chalk.
    [photo shows 1 of 6 boxes you would receive]


    Tailor's Chalk - wax

    48 piece box of single colored wax based tailors chalk

    Available in black, red, white or yellow


    Tailor's Chalk - clay

    Clay based tailors chalk does not leave grease behind; marks well on vinyl or glass. The unique shape of this wedge assists in maintaining a sharp marking edge.

    12 piece box includes: 8 white, 2 yellow, 1 red & 1 blue.

    C.S. Osborne #88


    China Markers

    Easy to hold, wax-like pencil markers.
    Does NOT rub off of fabric – only rubs off smooth surfaces, such as cardboard, wood, plastic, and panel boards.

    Available in black, white & yellow.
